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MBBS ( Melbourne), FRACP
Dr. Chin Ng graduated from The University of Melbourne (MBBS) in 1997 and underwent basic physician training at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Adelaide before he was accepted into rheumatology advanced training at the Royal Brisbane Hospital in 2004 and completed the training at the Princess Alexandra Hospital in 2006. During this period of advanced training, he has gained experience in clinical pharmacology and was involved in rheumatoid arthritis related research at the Princess Alexandra Hospital under the supervision of Professor Ranjeny Thomas.
Upon gaining his rheumatology specialist qualification in 2006, Dr. Chin Ng set up his private practice at Sunnybank. On the public front, he remains as visiting consultant at the Princess Alexandra Hospital with regular weekly outpatient sessions since 2006.
He enjoys working alongside his peers at the hospital and believes that peers interactions provide vital opportunities for rigorous examination and discussion of complex cases, which is an essential part of his professional development.
He attends monthly radiology and pathology meetings at the hospital and regular Australian Rheumatology Association meetings to keep up to date with the progress in the field.
He also provides support to the teaching of medical students and basic physician trainees and supervision to rheumatology advanced trainees at the Princess Alexandra Hospital.
Dr. Chin Ng has helped setting up the biologics clinic and then running the biologics clinic for 8 years at the Princess Alexandra Hospital. Biologic disease modifying anti rheumatic drugs (bDMARDs), also known as biologic agents or biologics are normally used when patients have active, moderate or severe inflammatory disease, but have not completely responded to conventional treatment with DMARDs or for those who cannot tolerate DMARDs in doses large enough to control inflammation. Biologics slow the destruction of joints, reduce inflammation and slow disease progression by targeting molecules on cells of the immune system, joints and the products that are secreted in the joints.
Apart from English, Dr. Chin Ng is fluent in Mandarin, Cantonese and Malays. He is sensitive to multiculturalism from years of practicing at the south side.
Dr. Chin Ng’s main room is at Tenancy H, Building 5, Key Offices Sunnybank Hills, 528 Compton Road, Sunnybank Hills. He visits Sunnybank Private Hospital for inpatient consults. He also provides consulting service at Cleveland House Visiting Specialist Centre, Cleveland.
Dr. Chin Ng has two private practice locations – Sunnybank Hills and Cleveland.